AFLQ partners with Sports Commission

AFL Queensland is proud to partner with the Australian Government’s Active After-school Communities (AASC) program.

The AASC program is a national initiative by the Australian Sports Commission that provides primary school children with access to free sport  programs in the after school time slot of 3:00pm to 5:30pm.

In Queensland 30 000 students participate in AASC activities through their normal outside school hours care program.

There are over 70 sports currently on offer in Queensland including Australian Rules football.

The AASC aims at providing a positive introduction to sport in a fun, safe and inclusive environment.

Targeted at normally inactive children, the program is helping to build the foundation needed for kids to naturally and confidently progress into local club sport.

The AASC program acts as an introduction or “taster” for AFL, after which kids can make the transition to Auskick or junior club footy.

Junior AFL clubs across the state that have been participating in the AASC program have experienced increased club membership and participation.

Clubs can benefit from becoming involved in an AASC program in their area with opportunities for greater community exposure and increased memberships.

Clubs involved in the program also gain access to free community coach training and resources through the Australian Sports Commission.

More information on the AASC program is available online:

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