AFLQ Announcement on Stage 3

Great news today, with the Queensland Government announcing that we are moving to Stage 3 from Friday 3 July.

This is a fantastic result for community footy as it has come one week earlier than anticipated. This announcement ensures that, from Friday this week, all of our teams can resume full match simulation training, enabling teams to have a week of full training prior to the competition kick off from 10 July. It also allows our clubs to run their canteens at almost normal operating capacity for competitions, assuming adherence to all of the required F&B government protocols. We are working through implications on crowds, but will have further information on this prior to the season commencement.

We thank all of our clubs for your patience and optimism through what has been an extremely challenging time for our code. Your resilience and understanding has been appreciated whilst we have navigated these restrictions.

We ask that you continue to respect all of the great work that has enabled us to get to this point.

Players, officials and spectators must continue to observe all of the correct hygiene protocols and be mindful of social distancing during breaks and in the grounds at all times. Attendance registers should also continue to be maintained.

We ask that your COVID Safety Officer continue to ensure that crowds are respecting social distancing rules, all participants are encouraged to download the COVID Safe App. Educational posters to remind people of the correct behaviours can be downloaded from the Toyota AFL ClubHelp website.

All of the Protocols and Checklists will be updated on our Return to Play portal prior to Friday 3 July. Please keep an eye on this site and ensure you are complying with the Government protocols required as we shortly enter this next stage.

We thank you again for your support in enabling us to get back to footy in 2020. We look forward to working with you to get the season underway in the very near future.

Yours sincerely

Dean Warren

Chief Executive Officer

AFL Queensland


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