Moorooka AFC gets kids active

Moorooka AFL Club teams up with national program to get children active.

Moorooka AFC has partnered with the Australian Government’s Active After-school Communities (AASC) program to get more children active.

In Term 4, 2012, over 40 children from Moorooka State School Outside School Hours Care Service (OSHCS) got the chance to try AFL as a result of the new partnership with the Moorooka AFC.

The last session of Term 4 was held at the club which gave the children the opportunity to play on an inflatable AFL field and receive some information for the upcoming season.

Local AASC Regional Coordinator, Daley Kemel is excited by the new partnership and anticipates that it will help encourage more children to get active in the future.

“We were extremely excited to work with Moorooka AFL club this term,” Kemel said.

“The goal of the AASC program is to introduce children to a variety of sports and physical activities in a fun, safe and inclusive environment so it is great to have this new partnership with a local AFL club.

 “These positive experiences will then encourage children to join a sporting club and get active for life,” Kemel said. Moorooka AFL Club president, Brett Action said.

“The AASC program is a great way to promote your organisation to children in your local area and it was fantastic to see children come to the club to play AFL.

“We deliver physical activity in a fun, safe and inclusive environment and encourage the children to join their local club if they really enjoy the activity,” Acton said.

The AASC program provides primary school aged children with a pathway to community sport and provides benefits to local clubs including attracting new junior members and community coaches.

“In addition, local community members can be involved as coaches whilst local sporting clubs are given the opportunity to promote their sport to children,” said Kemel.

The AASC program is an Australian Government initiative delivered by the Australian Sports Commission in up to 3,270 schools and outside school hours care services across Australia.

Each term, up to 190,000 children participate in up to 70 different sports and 20 structured physical activities after school. For more information about the AASC program visit

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