In 1969, the “South Queensland Australian Football Association” (SQAFA) was established with the purpose of developing players for the Queensland Australian Football League (QAFL). Most of the players were amateurs. In 1992, the league changed its name to the “Brisbane Australian Football League” (BAFL) and included clubs from the Sunshine Coast.
Another name change in 2000 brought about AFL South Queensland. In 2006, AFL South Queensland was taken under the umbrella of AFL Queensland and rebranded as the Queensland State Association. In 2012, it was renamed South East Queensland AFL. Finally, in 2014 the local level was divided into two leagues, the Queensland Football Association (QFA) and the Queensland Amateur Football Association (QAFA). Again in 2017, the name will change again to the Queensland Football Association (QFA), now covering five (5) divisions and the re-introduction of two (2) regional based leagues (AFL Northern Rivers & AFL Sunshine Coast / Wide Bay).