AFL Brisbane Juniors umpires launch

By Clancy Hurst

The AFL Brisbane Juniors (AFLBJ) Youth umpires celebrated the start of the 2013 season with their official season launch on Tuesday March 12.

Those in attendance were presented their uniforms and gear, including a brand new dress shirt supplied by official sponsor, KooGa.

AFLBJ Vice President, Tim O’Sullivan, opened the night with a fantastic speech to welcome everyone and wish them the best for the 2013 season.

18 new green shirt umpires were welcomed to the group, the majority of those recruited from the Junior Football Umpiring Program at club level.

A new-look coaching staff led by Steve Davis, who will be assisted by James Price and Lachlan Chambers was also introduced to the crowd.

Davis outlined the coaching plan for the year and concluded with the announcement of Ashley Mason, Sam Somerville and Nathaniel Smith as the Leadership Group for 2013.

Umpiring is a great way to get involved in AFL and earn some money on the side and AFLBJ are always looking for new members on the team.

If you are interested please contact Umpire Coordinator, Pierce Field on 3033 5439 or

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