I declare that I have read and understood, and agree to be bound by, these Terms and Conditions and the associated Code of Conduct set out below and that the statements made, and details provided, in the registration form are true and correct.
I acknowledge that completing and submitting an application for registration does not infer that registration will be granted to the Player and the State Body, the League and the Club reserve the right to refuse an application for registration without explanation.
For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions the following words are defined as follows:
AFL means the Australian Football League (ACN 004 155 211)
Australian Football means the game played in accordance with the Laws of Australian Football;
Australian Football Bodies mean all bodies in Australia that are responsible for administering the game of Australian Football including those at the grassroots level, the state level and the national level;
Club means the club for which the player is registering to play;
Laws of Australian Football means the Laws of the Game as published by the Australian Football League;
League means the League in which the Club is a member;
Player means the person who has registered on this form or the person, on whose behalf, a parent or guardian is registering; and
State Body means the relevant governing State or Territory Australian Football Body responsible for the administration of the Australian Football competition in which the Player’s Club and League participates as follows:
(b) AFL Queensland;
(c) AFL Northern Territory;
(d) AFL Tasmania;
(e) AFL Victoria;
(f) South Australian National Football League; or
(g) West Australian Football Commission.
In these Terms and Conditions:
A reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa; and
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes wholly or partly invalid or unenforceable then, from the date of the invalidity or unenforceability:
(a) if the offending provision can be read down to make it valid and enforceable without materially changing its effect, it must be read down to the extent necessary to achieve that result; and
(b) otherwise the offending provision must be severed from this Agreement and the remaining provisions will operate as if the severed provision had not been included.
Rules, Regulations and Policies
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the Player:
(a) agrees to be bound by:
(i) the rules, regulations, by-laws and policies of the Club (unless such rules, regulations, by-laws or policies are inconsistent with any of the documents or determinations referred to in (ii) – (iii) below);
(ii) the rules, regulations, by-laws and policies of, and any determination of the board of, the League;
(iii) the rules, regulations, by-laws and policies of, or approved or adopted by the State Body (including without limitation the ‘National Player Transfer Regulations’, the ‘National Deregistration Policy’ and the ‘Parents and Supporter Code of Conduct’) and any determination of the board of the State Body; and
(iv) the Laws of Australian Football,
as they are presently constituted and as amended or determined from time to time (Rules, Regulations, Policies and Determinations) and, to the extent of any inconsistency between the different Rules, Regulations, Policies and Determinations listed in items (i) – (v) above, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving priority to the Rules, Regulations, Policies and Determinations in item (iii), then item (ii), and then item (i) to the extent of the inconsistency;
(b) acknowledges that a failure to adhere to the Rules, Regulations, Policies and Determinations may result in the Player being de- registered; and
(c) acknowledges that the Player may inspect copies of the rules, regulations, policies and the Laws of Australian Football upon request to the relevant Australian Football Bodies.
Assumption of Risk
By agreeing to the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions, the Player acknowledges and agrees that:
- Australian Football is a body contact sport in which physical injury may occur from time to time and, based on this understanding, he or she is none the less desirous of playing Australian Football; and
- the Player takes upon themselves the risk (both physical and legal) of injury arising in the course of training for or participating in the game of Australian Football.
Limitation of Liability and Release
The Player acknowledges and agrees that:
- by accepting to bear the inherent risks of participating in Australian Football, the Player will not bring any claim or proceeding against an Australian Football Body for any damage, loss or injury whatsoever that they may suffer from participation in Australian Football;
- to the extent permitted by law, an Australian Football Body’s liability to the Player is limited to the Player’s Club or League supplying any services to which the Player is entitled in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
- the Player understands that as a registered player participating in an Australian Football competition they may be entitled to certain sports injury insurance benefits subject to the terms of insurance applicable to the relevant Australian Football Body.
Images and Likeness
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the Player:
(a) consents to the AFL, the State Body, the Club, the League and their affiliates and corporate and community partners (Relevant Football Bodies) taking, recording and using footage, film, video, images, photographs and audio which may feature the Player, (Footage) and using the name, likeness, reputation and identity of the Player (Likeness) in connection with:
- the advertising, promotion and marketing of the Relevant Football Bodies and Australian Football;
- training and education purposes;
- competition management and administrative purposes (such as in disciplinary tribunal hearings; and
- promotion by the AFL’s and the State Body’s corporate and community partners (including by way of publishing, republishing or transmitting the Footage in any medium throughout the world);
(b) consents to the Relevant Football Bodies doing, or omitting to do, anything contemplated in item (a) above that would otherwise be an infringement of the Player’s moral rights;
(c) understands and acknowledges that the Footage may be altered, edited or modified in any manner determined by the Relevant Football Bodies and hereby waives any right that the Player may have to inspect or approve the alteration, edit or modification of any Footage or any use to which any Footage may be made; and
(d) releases the Relevant Football Bodies from any loss, liability, damage, claims or remuneration, foreseen or unforeseen, incurred by the Player in connection with any use of the Footage or Likeness.
If the Player does not wish for the Player’s Footage or Likeness to be used in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the Player must notify the Player’s relevant State Body and its Club or League in writing.
Registration of Players Under 18 Years of Age
Where the Player is under 18 years of age, by completing this registration application, the parent or guardian of the Player:
(a) acknowledges that he or she has read and understood and explained the contents of this registration application and the Terms and Conditions (including the Code of Conduct) to the Player;
(b) consents to the Player participating in Australian Football matches, training and events for or in connection with the State Body, the Club and League, subject to the Terms and Conditions in this registration application; and
(c) declares that the statements made, and information provided, in the registration application are true and correct.
Privacy Acknowledgement and Consent
In connection with the application for registration, any registration of the Player and any other services to the Player, the AFL and the State Body may collect, hold, use and disclose personal information, in accordance with the Australian Football Privacy Policy which is available at: http://www.aflcommunity.com.au/index.php?id=189 (Privacy Policy).
The Privacy Policy sets out how the AFL, State Bodies and the other entities named in the Privacy Policy as “Australian Football Bodies” will collect, hold, use, disclose and otherwise manage personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act.
The individual(s) about whom an Australian Football Body may need to collect, hold, use and disclose personal information may include the Player, the Player’s parent and guardian or any other individuals relevant to the Player’s application for registration (Relevant Individuals). In particular an Australian Football Body may require personal information about Relevant Individuals for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy, including the purposes of processing the Player’s request for participation and registration and to facilitate administration and evaluation of Australian Football competitions.
An Australian Football Body may also disclose a Relevant Individual’s personal information to the Australian Football Body’s related bodies corporate, professional advisors, business partners, contractors, consultants, insurers, third party service providers that assist the Australian Football Body with the provision or management of goods, services or administrative requirements, entities that may have an interest in the Australian Football Body, regulatory bodies and any other person or entity set out in the Privacy Policy or otherwise authorised by the Relevant Individual or law.
If a Relevant Individual does not provide the personal information as requested, the relevant Australian Football Body may not be able to consider the application for registration or otherwise provide goods or services to the Player. Relevant Individuals who have any concerns about the Australian Football Bodies’ handling of their personal information can direct those concerns to the AFL’s Privacy Officer (by email at privacy.officer@afl.com.au)or in accordance with the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy contains details of how Relevant Individuals can request access to, or correction of, personal information held about them by the Australian Football Bodies, or otherwise make complaints or inquiries with respect to the handling of their personal information by the Australian Football Bodies.
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the Player and Relevant Individuals acknowledge they have read and understood the Privacy Policy and consent to the Australian Football Bodies:
(a) collecting their personal information including for the purposes of assessing this application;
(b) using and/or disclosing their personal information obtained as a result of or in connection with enquiries made for the purposes of assessing this application; and
(c) collecting, holding, using and/or disclosing personal information otherwise in accordance with the Privacy Policy, the Privacy Act, the APPs or other applicable law.
Code of Conduct
The Player understands and agrees to:
(a) participate in matches in accordance with the Laws of Australian Football;
(b) respect the spirit of the Laws of Australian Football and fair play, and behave accordingly;
(c) display and foster respect for umpires, opponents, coaches, administrators, other officials, parents and spectators;
(d) never argue with or dispute a decision of an official. If a player disagrees with a decision, they should deal with their dispute in accordance with the relevant Rules, Regulations, Policies and Determinations;
(e) control their emotions, and not engage in verbal abuse of officials, sledging other players or behaviour that deliberately distracts or provokes an opponent;
(f) comply with the National Member Protection Policy;
(g) never engage in any type of violence either on or off the field;
(h) contribute to a safe sporting environment and respectful culture which is accepting of individual differences, and behave accordingly;
(i) co-operate with their coaches and team-mates;
(j) participate for their own enjoyment and benefit and for the enjoyment and benefit of their teammates;
(k) respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of the gender, ability, sexual orientation, cultural background or religion;
(l) not behave in any way so as to bring the Player, Australian Football, the AFL, the State Body, the League or the Club into disrepute;
(m) not engage in conduct that is (in the State Body’s reasonable opinion), unethical, unbecoming or likely to cause harm to the reputation of the Player, the State Body, the League, the Club or Australian Football;
(n) not take part in any form of bullying including via the use of social media;
(o) use appropriately the facilities and equipment made available for training, matches and events, including facilities provided by the opposing teams;
(p) comply with and observe in the AFL Anti-Doping and any relevant Illicit Drugs policies; and
(q) be responsible for their actions.
I / We the above named fully understand that the AFL Queensland insurance policy covers all Queensland junior players for NON MEDICARE medical expenses to a maximum of $7500 ($50 excess). This means that if Medicare pays a rebate the GAP is not covered by this policy.
For a full explanation of the insurance available ask your club or ring (07) 3033 5400.